Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Have you seen this guy?

This guy was missing from the Cinco De Mayo party...maybe we'll see him at the next party.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cinco aftermath...

Just wanted to recap last Sat. event.
It was fun, I had fun, Maeve had fun we hope you all had fun.
For the most part, we had approximately 12 drinkers on hand.  The 12 of us managed to consume a Huge bottle of Corralejo, a normal sized bottle of Kirkland Tequila, 1 bottle of white wine and 46 beers.
Not too shabby, however cleaning with a head ache sucks.
Cornhole was dominated by Conor and Mr. Greg Plumis, the food was good and I'm glad it didn't rain.  These gatherings are quite fun and I look fwd. to the next month.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Not that matters, but the muppet movie treasure island...